Q: How long does shipping take?
A: Orders are packed and shipped within 3-5 business days from the order date. Business days do not include holidays, weekends, or personal holidays.
Q: I placed an order but did not receive the confirmation email in my inbox. Why not?
A: Sometimes, our emails are sent to spam/junk folders instead of your regular inbox. If you did not receive an email to your inbox, please check your spam/junk folder. If it is not located in spam or junk, please email us to resend your confirmation.
Q: Why is my package arriving later than originally expected?
A: After orders are prepared by us, they are then given to the carrier (I.e., UPS, USPS, DHL) for delivery. We do not control delivery times as this is the responsibility of the carrier. If you are having delayed delivery times or any issues with delivery, please contact the carrier with your tracking number for more clarification.
Q: Are all sales final?
A: Yes, all sales are final. Items cannot be returned, exchanged or refunded once they have been delivered. If we have sent you the wrong order or missed any items in your order then refunds, exchanges or returns are available.
Q: I ordered the wrong tray, but my order has not shipped yet. Can I change it?
A: Yes, if your order has not been shipped yet. Send us an email BEFORE your order ships and we will change the product as long as it has the small value of the original product.
Q: Do you offer wholesale or sell your vendors?
A: No, we do not offer wholesale, nor do we sell our vendors.